Volume.46 No.2 April 2023
A Study on Image Change according to Grid Ratio in Digital Radiography
Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.89-97
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A Study on Radiation Dose and Image Quality according to CT Table Height in Brain CT
Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.99-106
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Comparison of Polymer and BANGTM Gel Dosimeters to Use a Optical Computed Tomography Scanner
Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.107-114
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Relationship between Hospital Safety Symbol Shapes and Memory
Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.115-122
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Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.123-129
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A Study on Predictive Modeling of I-131 Radioactivity Based on Machine Learning
Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.131-139
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Radon Removal Efficiency of Activated Carbon Filter from Coconut
Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.141-149
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Development of Biopsy Assist Device on Computed Tomography Using 3D Printing Technology
Journal of Radiological Science and Technology :: Vol.46 No.2 pp.151-157
Open abstract